Our Kobee's Lip balm tubes aren't only cute and compact, they hold greater meaning, in fact, they showcase the reason why we do what we do. Big change can start small. Here at Kobee's we want to create big change and encourage our customers to do the same, one tiny lip balm at a time. Small, incremental changes, such as opting for compostable cardboard packaging instead of plastic, can lead to tremendous changes over time. 


Kobee's is more than a lip balm. Our tiny lip balms are a reminder that something so small can make a change. We want Kobee's to inspire others to make small changes in their life that can have greater impacts down the line. 


Kobees is more than just lip balm. It's a collection of individuals doing things one step at at time. 

TRY KOBEE'S ---> All starts with one...

 Kobee's 4 PACK